Finally, a solution to that ugly sticker!

Don't want to put a sticker on your paint or rear windshield? Now you don't have to. This custom aluminum bracket mounts behind your rear license plate using the existing screws and allows you to stick the HOV pass on the bracket and not your car.

Click here to learn more about the Utah Clean Vehicle Pass on the UDOT website.



How much does it cost?

$45 per standard clean air sticker bracket. Custom-sized brackets will vary in price.

How do I get the sticker?

Fill out the Clean Vehicle Pass Application found on the website.

What if my sticker is already on my car?

Use a hairdryer to remove it without damaging your paint, and request a replacement sticker by folloing the directions at the bottom of this UDOT page.

How do I mount it?

Use two screws from either side of your license plate to sandwich the bracket between your license plate and mount.

What's it made of?

Laser cut aluminum, or more specifically 0.063" Aluminum 5052 H32.

Will it work with a license plate frame?

Every frame is different, but it should work as long as you have access to two side screws.

Will it scratch my paint?

The aluminum is thick enough not to flex and touch the paint, but thin enough to fit behind the license plate.

Will it survive a car wash?

In our testing the bracket has no problems in touchless or touch car washes, but use them at your own risk.

Can it be stolen?

Sure, but so can your license plate. There is nothing locking the bracket to your vehicle in the same way that there is nothing locking your license plate.

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